November 12, 2010

way of advertisement tide [of] below/under posting.

 In installing advertisement of PPC(PAY Per Click) a lot of tekhnik which can be [done/conducted] so that the advertisement which we install can yield a lot of click. in this postingan [of] I will try to explain about way of advertisement tide [of] below/under postingan, what perhaps aim to so that the advertisement which we install a lot of [in] visitor click. Since ideal placed advertisement on course lah to a lot of memproleh click from that pengunjung.Selain also still a lot of ideal place place for memesang of advertisement PPC. such as above postingan, [in] tide by using Script Pop Up. and still a lot of again and I will posting [of] [at] next postingan. and make you which install advertisement [of] below/under postingan. please follow stages;steps in the following [is] 
1. login to blogger 

2. click " arrange situation" later;then Klik " edit HTML". later;then say the word centang [of] [at] article " expand widget tempate 

3. hereinafter look for code in the following [is].

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

4. after meeting [his/its] code [is] letakan of advertisement code [of] below/under [his/its]

5. [is] clearer so that please see code wholy in the following [is]

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

 put code iklanya here
<a expr:href='data:post.url'><strong>Selengkapnya...</strong></a></p>

6. later;then click save template

7. and omit you see result. this advertisement will come up [in] each;every yours postingan blog

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